Discover the ancient art of acupuncture and unlock the potential for holistic healing in your life. When performed correctly, acupuncture induces a set of biological responses that signal the Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS) to release healing biochemicals, such as Endorphins and Corticosteroids that run within the Meridians. Acupuncture also helps to increase blood flow. Call us today at 407-347-5038!
Acupuncture affects higher brain areas and stimulates the release of
neurotransmitters that influence the immune system and the antinociceptive
Acupuncture stimulates the release of Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine, and several types of Opioids, which reduce pain.
Acupuncture affects the electrical system of the body, facilitating the transfer of material and electrical energy between normal and injured tissues.
Acupuncture activates non-nociceptive signals in the Dorsal Horn, "gating out" painful stimuli.
Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that has diagnosed, treated and prevented illness for centuries. Most people readily appreciate that Chinese medicine helps remedy ailments such as pain, stress, and infertility, among other Western-diagnosed ailments. However, many of those same people fail to appreciate that it can also enhance recuperative power, immunity, and the capacity for pleasure, work, and creativity.
The objective of every Chinese Medical practitioner is to restore balance within the Meridians that run in the body. There are different ways to achieve this, and every practitioner is trained to treat with a method he feels most comfortable with. One practitioner may use the Five Element approach to treating, while another may use Eight Principle Differentiation. The key point is that the aim is the same, and that is to restore balance.
Ready to experience the transformative benefits of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine? Contact us today at 407-347-5038 to schedule your appointment and embark on a journey toward optimal health and well-being. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving balance and vitality.
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Contact Information
Phone: 407-347-5038
Address: 2295 South Hiawassee Road Suite 207, Orlando, FL, 32835
We offer Telehealth (Virtual)
Business Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sun: Closed